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How to find a Cambridge or Somerville property in the online assessor's database?

Charles Cherney

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Jun 16 2 minutes read

How to find a Cambridge or Somerville property in the online assessor's database?

You can bookmark these web pages:

For Cambridge, Massachusetts online assessor's database  - CLICK HERE

For Somerville, Massachusetts online assessor's database - CLICK HERE

When you open the respective link above, type in the specific property address you are looking for.

For Cambridge, you need to type in the address as it is known to the city to find the property.

For Somerville, when you begin typing in the address, the database prompts you with what it believes is the right choice. Somerville also you to search by owner name.

If you cannot find the address you are searching for, it means the property is known by another address. Ask your Realtor for assistance if you are having difficulty finding the property you are seeking in the online assessor's database.

The online assessor's databases report the assessed value. The assessed value is updated each year.
Please note that there is no strict correlation between assessed value and market value.

The online assessor's databases report the square footage for the property.
Please note that the the reported square footage is not always accurate.

The online assessor's databases report the sale date and sale price.
Please note that the reported sale date and sale price is not always accurate.
Sometimes you will see sale price is reported as $1.

The Cambridge and Somerville online assessor's databases are useful tools. Use them but do not depend on them for understanding market value. Contact an experienced local Realtor for insights into market value for properties in Cambridge and Somerville.

Also useful are the online assessor's databases for tax bills.

For Cambridge, MA online database for tax bills, click here.

For Somerville, MA online database for tax bills, click here.

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