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Seller Success Story: Without You

Charles Cherney

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Passionate about teaching after graduating from Harvard, I ultimately found myself drawn into the world of real estate in Cambridge and Somerville...

Feb 8 3 minutes read

I meet with William and his adult daughter Susan at William's multi-family in Somerville.

"My wife passed away a few years ago," William says. "It's time for me move down South to be near Susan."

"When are you moving?" I ask.

"Tomorrow," says Susan. "I drove up a few days ago. Dad and I are getting on the road early."

And sure enough, William and Susan are gone at dawn.

What remains is William's three-family filled with stuff. 

And a tenant on the top floor.

First order of business is getting a junk out company to empty the basement, as well as what remains in the now vacant units on the first and second floors.

Big job. Done.

After the housecleaner comes through, I get the property on the market.

Coordinating showings with the tenant-occupied unit on the top floor is tricky given the dogs. 

Multiple offers come in at the bid deadline and William accepts the highest and best offer.

William has confirmed with his tenant at the outset and more than once along the way that they will be out by May 31st.

The property is to be delivered vacant at closing the first week in June.

And then my phone rings a few days before closing.

"Charles," William says, "the tenant just told me they aren't moving out as planned this week."

Tenant says they need at least another six months.

Buyer says no go to closing with the tenant – the deal dies.

Now I must find a new buyer who will close with the tenant in place.

And I do just that.

In under 48 hours, new offer made by a new buyer and accepted by the seller.

A month later, we close.

"Charles," William says to me over the phone from down South at Susan's place, "we couldn't have done it without you."

"Well," I say to William in reply with a smile on my face, "One thing is for sure – we couldn't have done it without the tenant in place at closing."


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